Thursday, April 7, 2016


"Strive to be like the moon"

We discussed this proverb yesterday.  Do you believe this proverb?  That people should strive to be like the moon because everyone loves the moon? 

What is the lesson in this proverb?


  1. yes i believe it. ishmael compares his journey to the moon. He says that the clouds keep blocking the moon and getting in its way. He then says that throughout his journey he is also blocked by clouds although his clouds are much bigger.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Touching, but what does that have to do with the prompt?

  3. I don't believe in this proverb. Be who or what you want to be. If you don't want to appeal to everyone else, or if you don't want to be loved by everyone, then you don't have to.

  4. to strive for the moon is to like reach for a goal to not stop even if someone or something gets in the way as in people getting in his way is just like the clouds getting in the moons way

  5. The lesson is to be kind to others. I feel like you should be kind to others but you don't want to be loved by everyone cause I feel that would be not as fun as people make it to be.

  6. guessin to try to be someting better

  7. I don't believe in this proverb

  8. Strive to be something that u admire but don't mimic it completely.

  9. I believe this proverb. The lesson is to be kind to everyone.

  10. strive to be like the moon means to be someone that you love and someone that other people love. it means to be a good person, be kind and care about others

  11. i believe the proverb. The lesson is to be a good person and care about others.
