Tuesday, April 19, 2016


In one paragraph, summarize chapter 11.


  1. In chapter 11, Ishmael and his friends started their journey to the village where their families were rumored to be. They got to a farm where they met Gasemu, Ishmael recognized him and they helped him carry things to the village. Gasemu told them that Ishmael's family was staying there. When they got to the top of a hill to take a break, they heard gunshots and watched the village get attacked. They couldn't find his family, and he blamed Gasemu. While trying to escape the rebels, Gasemu gets shot and dies.

  2. Ishmael and his friends went to a village that supposedly had his parents living there. they meet a guy name gesamu, who helped them get to the village. a group of rebels burned the village to the ground, there were no survivors from what they saw. the rebels spotted them and shot at them as they ran. gasmeu ended up bleeding out and dying

  3. they started their journey to the village where their family was rumored to be.

  4. Ishmael and his friends approach the village where they've been told some of their families are living. They meet Gasemu, a banana farmer whom Ishmael knows, and agree to help him carry bananas into the village. As they approach, they hear gunshots, dogs barking, and people screaming. The village is under attack; the boys drop their bananas and hide in the bushes. They watch the horror until the gunshots subside. Then Ishmael runs into the village, which is engulfed in flames, and finds bodies burned beyond recognition everywhere. Gasemu follows him and shows him the hut where Ishmael's family had been. Ishmael rushes in but doesn't find any bodies inside. Ishmael attacks Gasemu in anger and the boys begin fighting among themselves. The approaching voices of rebels cause the boys and Gasemu to hide. They overhear the rebels boasting of the killings, but there is uncertainty as to whether some villagers may have escaped. Gunshots begin again and the boys run deeper into the forest with bullets at their back. When the boys finally stop, they realize that Gasemu has multiple gunshot wounds. They take him to the wah

  5. they went to a village to meet their parents.rebels destroyed the village. gasmeu got shot and died

  6. They walked to the next village where their parents are supposed to be, on the way when they are close to the village they meet someone named Gasemu which they had known before the attacks. they helped carry bananas back, when they stop to rest the village they were heading to gets attacked by the rebels they run to the village but realize nobody is left and everyone is dead. Ishmael has a breakdown his friends stop him but he starts blaming Gasemu for it and hits him in the face which makes everyone break into arguements. when they finally stop the rebels come back and they run after them on the way Gasemu was shot he died on the way to the next place

  7. Ishmael and his friends go to a village where they were told that their families are.

  8. ishmael went looking for his family because he heard that they where in a village and he went there and seen someone he knew and then helped him with stuff and heard gun shots coming from the village

  9. Ishmael and his friends walked through the whole night, the day Saidu died because they were afraid another one would die. It rained hard all night long. In the morning, they got to a field where a man named Gasemu was working. Ishmael knew him from their village. Gasemu told Ishmael where his parents were and they all walked to the village. They stopped to rest and as they were walking towards the village, the rebels attacked and burned all of the houses down. Many people were killed, and again Ishmael couldn't find his family.

  10. They start walking towards the village his family is at. They meet a man that has goods news for them and says his family was worried and hoped he was safe. They get some bananas and continue to walk to the village. They get there and see it is on fire and hear gunshots. Many people were killed Ishmael couldn't find his family
