Monday, April 11, 2016


The author's voice is:

the individual writing style of an author.  This can include sentence structure (short or long?), the word choice or diction that a character chooses, or the way that an author allows the readers to get to know the characters. For example, Poe writes in a very DESCRIPTIVE voice:

How did your author write???
Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.
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Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.
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  1. Since I couldn't finish the other book in time for the review, I instead read a smaller book called Milkweed. The book was written from the perspective of a child living in Warsaw under Nazi occupation. Due to this, the voice of the book was very wistful, as if recalling an old memory. As things deteriorated in the story, and it kept getting worse for this kid, I felt sorry for him.

  2. The book i read was called unthinkable by Shirley Duke in the book the authors voice was descriptive he gave plenty of details on the characters. He also used a lot of descriptive words when describing the settings.

  3. The author Jay Asher's voice in Thirteen Reasons Why would be personal descriptive.

  4. In my book the author wrote very descriptive part in the book making it seem like it was really happening which was very cool. Imagery was also a huge thing in my book that made me picture every event in my book

  5. my book was in the view of the teen in the story it was personal and descriptive to what was happening in the story in each part

  6. The book I read is called "To All The Boys I've Loved Before". The author's voice is witty but also descriptive.

  7. My book was wrote in first person and the grammar in it is not correct but historically accurate for the time it takes place.
