Wednesday, April 6, 2016


In what ways is Ishmael like you???  In what way is he different?


  1. He went threw issues as a child. ishmael has seen people killed

  2. He's like me because he's human, and he's gone through a lot... But he's different because what he's gone through is a lot worse than what I have.

  3. He's like me because he's human, and he's gone through a lot... But he's different because what he's gone through is a lot worse than what I have.

  4. he was like us living normally at first and after the rebals kidnapped him he did things he regrets and seen people get killed

  5. hes alive and breathing hes has skin. he was kidnaped and forced to kill people

  6. we are both human!!! the difference are that he's from Africa and involved in a war

  7. He's similar in that he went through hard experiences, but different in that his were much more severe.

  8. When though ups and downs and seen people get killed also he was in war

  9. He is a kid that once had a childhood like us. He is different because his childhood was taken away by rebels and he has seen people killed

  10. he is like me because we both have good friends and he isnt like me because we grew up in different places and learned different things

  11. he lived a fairly normal life before playing with his friends like i would be, obviously though i would never walk the lengths that he did, and his homes are different then ours here

  12. It is hard to say how he's like us, even when he was a child his lifestyle was still extremely different maybe in a way he's just trying to get by threw life. However he is different because he has lived in different conditions, and became part of a war he didn't want to be apart of.

  13. Ishmael is like us because he was living a normal, and then the rebels invaded his new area, kidnapped him and forced him to be a soldier for their army.

  14. Hes different from me because he didn't have stuff like video games and he suffered a lot more then me
