Thursday, April 14, 2016


Think back through the entire novel A Long Way Gone.  When do you remember music being a part of the story?  List them.


  1. When they are being captured and stripped of there clothing Ishmael has a cassette tape of OPP and when they play it the captures realize that they are not child soldiers like they thought.

  2. The only part about music that I remember is that the Ishmael and his brother (I think) are big fans of rap, and dance.

  3. in the beginning when they preformed at there school and they made a remix of the song and when they got caught the rebel said he was there and remembers and they didnt kill them

  4. When they were at a village, the only way to prove they weren't rebels was the cassette tape he had and one person recognizing the boys from performing their music.

  5. when ishmaels rap cassettes were burned

  6. each time they were captured the villagers stopped once they heard the music and realized that they were just children looking to escape

  7. I remember that in the beginning of the story they would listen to the rap and dance to it as well as learn the lyrics. even perform in talent shows in villages

  8. when ishmael has rap lyrics in his pocket and that keeps him and his friends from getting killed

  9. Ishmael and his brother/friends would sing and dance to the rap songs at school and at talents shows. also, when he was caught by different villages who didn't trust who he was, they would find these tapes, and would realize he was just a kid.

  10. at the beginning when everything was going good him and his brother danced and rapped it

  11. In the beginning they performed some music

  12. In the beginning they performed some music
