Monday, April 4, 2016

Choose one

A.     What is childhood?  Use your own experiences to explain what childhood was like for you.  What does it mean to be a child, and when do you believe that someone becomes more of an adult than a child?  How do you believe that the meaning of childhood differs from one country to another (think about the information read today)?

B.       Good versus evil:  do you think that people are born a certain way?  Are we all born with the ability to be both, or are circumstance involved?  Do humans have the choice on whether they can be good or evil, or do outside factors play into this?  What makes someone go from good to evil or vice versa?  Give an example of a television or book character who has changed in that way.  What made them change?


  1. Childhood is the period which is when you are a child.childhood was in some ways different for me in many ways and it taught me things i should know when i am a child and things i should know later in my life which will benefit me in the later. being a child is having no life responsibility's and to enjoy life until u get realize your more of a adult then a child is when you start to act different then most of your friends and start acting like older people when you think of things that you normally wouldn't think about as a child so you know you are maturing which will also have you do things different in your life then others.childhood is different in other country's because they could be raised or surrounded by certain people or they are taught about things differently or they have strong guidance or none at all which will determine how they are later in their life.

  2. Childhood is where one can be a little kid and do many things have fun play outside. Its where they are shown how to be when they are older and how to act around other to treat people how you want to be treated. My childhood was to learn how to be nice to people and have fun for as long as I can.

  3. are we born with the choice to be good or evil?

    we are all born with the choice to be good or evil, it just depends on what path you take. You could be the nicest person in the world that has the most evilest parents and still be a good child. For example, Crona from soul eater was a very sweet kid that was all his life taught he had to be evil and hurt people. He never wanted to be bad. In the end he overcame his mother and lived happily!!!! yay!

  4. I feel like everyone has the opportunity to be good or bad but sometimes others have the power to push you or change your direction whether it would be good or bad. we are all born innocent to the world around us. its how we are raised and who our friends are that make us who we are. we have to have the power to make decisions for ourselves. people who go to jail constantly some of them make an effort to change themselves for the better and actually become a good part of society

  5. I think that no one is born good or evil, but what you end up in the beginning is based on what you grow up surrounded by, but later in life people have the choice of what they chose to be. If someone is born into a family that is based on drugs or crime, they are more likely to be influenced to be evil. I also think that is is very possible for people to change from good to evil or from evil to good. In vampire diaries, the brother Stefan has always been good, and does good things, but when he is around his brother and his brother influences, he does a lot of bad things, and turns off his humanity. He went from good to evil all because of an influence

  6. Child hood is the period in which you begin your life in when you are born u are considered a child. When you turn 18 you enter the adult stage and leave childhood. Child hood for me was filled with many memories like going camping or to Orioles games. I believe a child starts to become an adult than a child when they turn 16. The reason why i believe that is because they can began to drive at 16 and driving takes a lot of responsibility. Child hood differs from our country to a place like Africa. Here we have a lot of things needed in order to go out on your own. In Africa they have a lot of dangerous diseases and they don't have alot of stuff to help kids become adults. The living quality there is a lot worse than it is here.

  7. childhood is where you do a lot of things your not supposed to do and then you learn from it when your older, but in other country's a lot of kids have to work when there a child and its harder for them to be able to be a child n have fun ect

  8. B. I think that people have the choice to be however they desire. if evil is what appeals to you then evil things are what you would lean towards and do and vice versa. but circumstances and outside factors are very real, something could happen to turn you evil or good. people have change of heart all the time so this matter would be no different. its all a matter of finding out who you are.

  9. It's impossible to determine if a person can be born good or evil. There are basic instincts withing humans, and for that matter, every animal, especially mammals, that could be considered good or evil. Everyone has these instincts, and depending on how you're raised, you can be taught to suppress or embrace these instincts. For example, it's instinct to be weary of someone who is wildly different from you. Take homophobia for example. If a straight gay who was raised to be homophobic sees a gay person, he has no problem hating them. If they were raised to be accepting of gays, they would have no problem with them. Another example is bullying. It's instinctual in humans to use physical force when communication does not work, as it is with most animals. If a person is taught to use violence to get their way instead of words, they will. In conclusion, I'd say were all born evil, we just have to suppress that evil.

  10. Childhood can be many things to different people. Childhood for me is the ages 2-10. I feel those are the years I learned everything that I will need for high school and my adulthood. In those years I was taught; Manners, responsibility, respect, etc. I learned responsibility the when i got my first pony, the rules are "If you want it, you take care of it. If you dont it goes down the road". Manners and respect have always been a huge requirement in my house. If we were to back talk we would be punished. If we didnt say "please" or "Thank you" we didnt get what we asked for. In childhood I learned that life isnt always what we expect, that everything isnt cheap, and you dont get what you want all the time in a blink of an eye. It takes time. I believe that children will stay children if they are not taught respect, and responsibility along with everything they want isnt going to be handed to them. I feel the meaning of childhood is different from other countries. In america childhood is the time to have the most relaxing, fun childhood. where as for others some consist of hard work at a young age. Some countries dont allow children to have the childhood like we are able to have in America.

  11. I think child hood is a state that every human goes through, like being very young age. childhood for me was probably normal like most people. i think that children can become a responsible adult at any time, there shouldn't be a set time for adulthood. there could be 30 year olds who still think they are 6 and 15 year olds who act like they are 30. in different countries it would be different because they would be taught different.

  12. Childhood is that period of your life as a child that allows you to learn certain things, and continues throughout your life. My childhood was memorable. My Mom, Dad, Brother, and the rest of my family we all have those times of good and bad, but for the most part we all had good times together. I think that, being a child is kind of like your experiment. For example, You learn lots of little things that will grow with you as you're older. I think when someone becomes more of an adult, you can feel it. You know more, you can do more, you can make your own decisions, you have a bit of freedom from things your parents wouldn't let you have freedom from when you were younger; stuff like that. The meaning of childhood differs from one country to the other is like, in the Middle East and Africa, Those kids are in poverty and wish for a better life. In America, kids are greedy little goofballs. They have everything, and want more. Some kids are spoiled rotten, and some kids have to earn and work for those things.
