Wednesday, March 16, 2016


You're jumping out of an airplane.  What is going through your head???


  1. If i was jumping out of a plane, the first thought in my head would be why am i jumping out of a plane in the first place?... Other thoughts would be, how am i not going to die? or What if my parachute doesn't work? Then while thinking about the parachute, i'd realize " Oh my i don't know how this works" and start freaking out. I think eventually i'd make logical choices and figure out how to use it.

  2. if i jump out of a plane with a parachute i dont know how to use the first thing thats going through my head is i dont want to die so ill be sad because i know my family with miss me ill probably start having flashbacks of the good memories i had then ill probably beg theres a pond or a beach or a lake under me so i wont land and get crushed to death but other than that ill just be thinking about my family knowing ill hurt them if i die

  3. I would be excited to jump but i would also be nervous because I've never jumped out of an airplane. About halfway down i would realize that i wasn't told how to operate a parachute i would be really scared like is this the end. It isn't supposed to end like this. Then i would start to pray that i pull on the right strap and open up the parachute.

  4. That I am falling and i could end up getting really hurt and i am scared because i shouldn't have done this. in scared i will hit the ground and get hurt hoping and praying there is something comfy for me to land on to know i will be okay. I know I will end up getting getting hurt and the only thing in my mind is why? why did I do this? I shouldn't have.

  5. If i was jumping out of a airplane i would probably be freaking out in every which way. i would be saying how dumb i was to actually do it. i would be scared and probably screaming and thinking about how im gonna die. >.< overall i think i will learn how to use a parachute next time i wanna jump out a plane.

  6. if i were to jump out of a plane, i would be thinking why did i jump out of the plane. were am i going to land at. how do i work this parashoot. id also wonder how fast im falling, whats the altitude i jumped from.

  7. If I was jumping out of an airplane which I probably would never ever jump out of one but if I was I think I would be having a panic attack. Honestly I would think I'm about to die, hit the ground then go splat. I'll probably be all freaked out until I'm actually in the air and feeling like I am just flying there. usually it takes a moment for me to actually enjoy something its like with roller coasters i'll hate it until you actually reach the climax of the ride and then its fun. I'm feeling like that is how I'll be I'll be scared to death and thinking i am going to die until i realize wow this is actually extremely cool.

  8. I would be panicking if I had to jump out of an airplane especially If I didn't know how to work the parachute. I would try to ask anyone who was around how I would work the parachute to make sure that i land on the ground safely. If that didn't work I think I would see if there were instructions on how to use it. I'd rather not go *splat* on the ground. I have no idea after that if my other options don't

  9. I would be thinking about why would I jump out of the plane in the first place. Or why didn't I get training on how to use the parachute, I would be mad at myself for making that dumb decision in life. I would probably be thinking to myself that im going to die.

  10. Oooo, this is my new favorite journal.

    The very moment I realize I don't know how to use the parachute, fear sets in. A few seconds later, I'm still tugging uselessly at the various straps and strings on the thing. I fall, and fall, for what seems like forever until I can make out details like house chimneys and fences in people's back yards ahead of me. Not only had the instructor forgotten to teach me how to use the parachute, and in my excitement, I forgot to remind him, but the plane overshot the field entirely. I was dead from the start. For a split second, I felt hatred for the people responsible for such a screw up, then in the last few seconds of the fall, I felt... nothing. True futility. I wondered why I wasn't crying, but the thought quickly vanished from my head. The worst part of those last few moments is that I didn't even contemplate my life. That's what you're supposed to do when you're about to die, right? So for a second, I thought I must have been dreaming. If I wasn't, I'd surely be more sentimental in the final moments of my life, wouldn't I? Well, the ground felt real enough.

  11. I will be screaming and will be trying to open in it up also I will be thinking I am going to die and keep repeating it a 1,000 times.

  12. I will be screaming and will be trying to open in it up also I will be thinking I am going to die and keep repeating it a 1,000 times.
