Monday, March 21, 2016

relationship with you and your setting

What is the relationship between you and the setting that your in?  ALL that this means is how does your setting affect you/how do you affect your setting?


  1. Currently, my setting makes me feel uneasy, like someone's going to attack me. It's cool, dimly lit, flat, and stoic in here, like a mental asylum.

  2. depending on what is around me in my setting, it will affect how i feel or act.

  3. my surroundings effect me and how i am in my setting so it depends how my surroundings are

  4. Currently, my setting makes me feel uneasy

  5. its all depends on when and where and also who are in my surroundings

  6. Depending on the setting it effects my mood.

  7. The setting affects me because it is a place to learn. I can affect it by can affect the setting by paying attention or talking when im not supposed to be

  8. it is a normal school setting, I'm tired so its hard to focus and its cold in here its not feeling like a happy setting kind of dim and boring

  9. This comment has been removed by the author.

  10. your setting affects how youre feeling and how you will react to certain things.

  11. My setting makes me feel in a mixture of emotions due to memories of previous classes. Whether it be the people I'm next to or the curricular we're learning it just depends on the day how I feel about my everyday surroundings

  12. It all depends on what is going on around me that will make me act or feel.

  13. it depends in where im at or who im around

  14. the setting people are in affect how they're felling in that moment and how they react to certain things in that setting.

  15. Setting affects how we act. The way I act at home in that setting is different then when I am at school.
