Monday, March 21, 2016


List the key points of your day.  Summarize them :)


  1. my alarm rang waking me up, got to school on time, went to classes

  2. One of the key points of my day was when I finished and uploaded new art for my YouTube channel. Another is when I'm typing this because I really like the daily journals.

  3. I had a test in biology. I created a co2 car design.

  4. I woke up feeling awake

  5. I woke up exhausted, came to school exhausted,went to chorus exhausted
    Basically my whole day was me being exhausted

  6. I got ready for school. Then, I went to school. After school I will be going to work.

  7. -came to school -fought with someone -got candy in geometry

    I woke up and came to school. In geometry class a friend gave me his candy, which was totally awesome. All morning I've been having arguments with a friend over stupid things. I just want to sleep.

  8. waking up this morning, obviously tired and getting ready for school and walking to the bus stop.
    another key point is eating breakfast at school whilst sitting with my friends

  9. ~My dad drove me to school
    ~I went to chorus, when it was an orchestra day
    ~My Mom's co-worker and his wife came over to over house and we had a family counseling session.

    This morning my dad woke me up and drove me to school. During 3rd mod, I went to Chorus instead of Orchestra, and was late to Orchestra. Later in the evening, My Mom's co-worker and his wife came over and we had a family counseling session.

  10. got up brushed my teeth ate breakfast went to school had gym went to all my claases and here i am now lolololol
