Thursday, March 3, 2016


Fate means an expected result.  People who believe in fate believe that things are meant to happen for a reason.  Destiny means that things are supposed to be a certain way.

1. Do you believe that your decisions affect the outcomes of your life, or do believe that your life is destined to end up a certain way? Why?  Give a specific example of your own life, someone elses, or a character in a book/movie.


  1. We are all destined to die, so I guess you could call that fate. I do not, however, believe that fate has any bearing on my life besides that certainty. For example, I may not be going to this school if I had told my mom when she was looking for a new house, to move out of the district.

  2. I believe that your decisions do have a major outcome on your future. One example is the walking dead games.Your decisions effect the fate of the characters. so yes i believe your decisions effect your future

  3. i do not believe decisions effect the outcome of my life because no matter what happens dreams come true , i believe that if i stay in school and think positive that my life is gonna go as planned and end up the way i wanted it to ,

  4. i feel like the decisions you make in life will change your fate your not really destined to end up in a certain way its your decisions you have made at a that moment that leads you down each direction, its almost like a game. in certain games you can pick what your character says and does and it leads them to different destinies like being good or evil.

  5. i think your decisions effect your outcome in life because all about decisions and you can just make one bad decision and it can effect your whole life for an example my coach tells me to stay out of trouble so i can go to college but if i make a bad decision it can stop me from going to college

  6. I believe that we decide the outcome of our lives, because the idea that things happen because of some deity seems very far fetched. For instance, someone could jump out of a window they would get hurt but it'd be their fault.

  7. i feel that my life is destined to end up in a certain way because some things just happen not because i did it or someone else did. like i believe that if someone wins the lottery its cause they are destined to win.

  8. i believe that that my decisions will affect the outcomes of life. If you do something your not supposed to do you will be punished for it. Like in the tv show cops people are just in the wrong place at the wrong time and they get caught doing something there not supposed to do they get punished for it by being arrested or fined.

  9. I feel your life is affected by both destiny and life decisions. If you dont study for a test in school then you have a higher risk of failing, thats life choices. But some people feel they are so passionate about a hobby, or sports they play that they think they are destined to do that sport.

  10. I believe that your decisions affect the outcomes of your life because i don't think its possible for the outcome of your life to be pre planned to happen a certain way. if someone else does something, that makes another persons life terrible, then i dont think anyone's life is supposed to end up terrible, because a lot of people dont deserve bad lives if they have one.

  11. we are all destined to something so that is fate but sometimes i don't think fate really has anything to do with our lives but if i never got the house i got when we were looking i would have never meet my greats friends

  12. Decisions you make in life always have an outcome, sometimes expected or not. I personally believe in fate...kind of, let me explain. I don't 100% believe in fat, but I do believe in luck, which is a significant part of fate which can significantly influence the outcome of your decisions depending on how important the decision you made.

  13. i think its a bit of both because your decisions do affect the outcomes of your life but also sometimes, destiny will bring you to someone/something. Larry Stylinson (Louis Tomlinson and Harry Styles) have this love story. They both went to the same concert without knowing each other, and then met up at The X-Factor UK. They were put into a boyband. They became a couple but are being closeted by their management.

    They were there at that concert and then met at The X-Factor UK. They decided to go to that audition. They were both at that concert. they were both put into that boyband. they are both together now, but are closeted by Modest! Management.

  14. I believe in my decisions will affect the outcome of my life because if I make good decisions good things happen and if I do bad things bad things will happen.
