Monday, March 14, 2016


List the following information:

Exposition  in Oedipus Rex
Climax in Oedipus Rex
Resolution in Oedipus Rex


  1. Exposition: It took place in Thebes. Some characters are Oedipus, Jocasta, Creon. The climax is when when Oedipus is blamed for the death of King laius. The resolution is when we find out for certain that Oedipus actually was the killer.

  2. Exposition: Telling that the story takes place in Thebes, exposing the fact that King Laius was murdered.

    Climax: Oedipus finds out that he killed Laius and that Laius is his true father.

    Resolution: Oedipus gouges out his eyes and begs the citizens of Thebes, and Creon, to banish him from Thebes.

  3. Exposition- Oedipus, Creon- Thebes
    Climax- when Oedipus finds out that Polybus, his "father" is dead
    Resolution- Oedipus decides to leave after saying his goodbyes.

  4. It starts with a man named Oedipus, who was King of Thebes. There's a pestilence plaguing the land and people come to ask for his help. They ask him because he solved the riddle of the Sphinx and because of this was greatly revered. He learns the last king was killed and the murderer was still in the city. The climax was when he learned that he was the killer and father of his own children. In the end he tears his eyes out and orders for his daughters to be taken away somewhere safe where they can be taken care of.

  5. Exposition- The setting was Thebes, the setting was Oedipus, Jocasta and Creon. The climax would have been when Oedipus finds out his "Biological father" father Polybus, has died. The resolution would be when Oedipus leaves Thebes

  6. Exposition - the city is in a crisis a terrible disease had set, Oedipus decided he wanted to find the one who killed king Laius he didn't want to be next
    Climax - Oedipus had found the old man who had found him as a baby the old man told him the story and he realized he didn't escape his fate
    Resolution - Jocasta had hung herself and Oedipus had stabbed his eyes out. he had banished himself from the city

  7. the exposition is you get to meet Oedipus the king of thebes. the climax is when oedipus finds out the curse came true. the resolution is he finds the queen dead and blinds himself before leaving the city

  8. exposition is the characters and thebes.
    climax is when he finds out that he is the son who suppose to kill his father and marries his mother and he did all that.
    the resolution is when oepidus stabbed his eyes out and left to live in the mountain.

  9. Exposition- takes place in thebes
    Climax- Oedipus finds out who his birth parents are, his wife/mother kills herself
    Resolution- gouges out his eyes, and his goodbye to his daughters

  10. Exposition- takes place in Thebes
    Climax- finds out he married his mother and killed his father
    Resolution- He has to say goodbye to his daughters/sisters
