Thursday, March 31, 2016


When you think poetry, what pops into your head?  Do you believe there are different types of poetry?


  1. when i think about poetry that is something that helps you express what you feel or something that surrounds you. yes i do think their is different types of poetry like free verse & Octave

  2. I believe There are different types of poetry. Poetry is a way to express yourselfs

  3. I think there are different types of poetry, also when I think about poetry I think of something that flows, or I will think of peace.

  4. When I think about poetry, I think about hipsters. People who waste their money going to expensive colleges to sit and watch someone "teach" something that has literally no bearing on society. Poetry.

  5. Poetry is a way to express yourselfs

  6. there are different types of poetry i think

  7. When I think of poetry, I think of it as a way of being able to say what you feel in a way you wouldn't normal. And yes, I believe there are different kinds of poetry

  8. i think nature relaxation and short but big meaning sentences

  9. There are tons of different poetry. I feel poetry is a perfect way to channel your emotions

  10. there is definitely different types of poetry its almost like books are you have different genres, usually i think of poetry as something smooth with unique ring it just flows like music really

  11. when I think of poetry, I think of many different things. I think about how the writer feels, and how I can related to the writer. I also think about how you can express yourself through those words, stanzas, and verses. Yes, I believe there are different kinds of poetry.
