Thursday, March 31, 2016


"The child got mad at the teacher."

1.    Does the sentence paint a picture for the reader?

2.    Are there details that would appeal to the readers' senses?

3.    Make this into a better, detailed sentence!


  1. Only of a kid that is angry and not really. The child got his phone taken by the teacher so then he got angry

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

  3. i really hate school so much but i still have to go

  4. the child with a face full of anger glared at his teacher

  5. I imagine the child sitting there irritated and tapping his pencil on the desk because of something the teacher said
    a better sentence would be the child was frustrated and irritated with the teacher today or something like that

  6. yes it does
    not really
    the child with a face full of anger glared at his teacher

  7. It paints a small picture of a child being mad. If the reader new more about why the child was mad.

    The child didn't answer the question correctly and his teacher laughed at him, as a result the child got infuriated.

    1. The child was so mad at the teacher his face was as red as a tomato as he tried to hold back from screaming at the teacher

  8. yes it does. no not really. the kid with anger looked over at his teacher

  9. I see a kid getting mad at the teacher for getting him in trouble.

    I hear the kid grumbling under his breath about the teacher.

    The kid ran into the room after going to the bathroom and the teacher gave him detention making the boy very angry at the teacher grumbling under his breath the student sat down

  10. It does not really paint a picture, the words are not descriptive enough. a better sentence would be; the child had thrown a tantrum screaming when the teacher had taken his phone during class.

  11. 1)yes. 2)the angry child and the teacher. 3) The teacher yelled at the child and got very angry and gave a dark glare.

  12. 1. yes i imagine a preschool kid being angry b ecause he was put in time out.
    2. no there is no details, its a very general statement.
    3. Alex was upset with his teacher for taking his phone, even though he was being insubordinate.


  13. 1. Does the sentence paint a picture for the reader?

    2. Are there details that would appeal to the readers' senses?
    Yes it shows a school and a classroom maybe and a teacher and a student mad at each other.

    3. Make this into a better, detailed sentence!
    A 3rd grade student got angry at his math teacher

  14. The sentence does not paint a picture for me. It doesn't contain any details that appeal to the senses.

    The student stood up and screamed at the teacher in defiance.

  15. Yes it paints a picture but it is a small picture.The details are child mad and teacher.
    The child sat at his chair and stared at the teacher with an angry look.

  16. 1. I can imagine a student being mad at a teacher for something.
    2. Not really, I mean, as a reader, all that appeals to my senses is hearing the argument between the teacher and the student.
    3. The child had not studied for the test the teacher gave, so when he asked the teacher for help, he did not help the student. The student became very frustrated, and lashed out at the teacher.

  17. I am imagine a mad student and a teacher.
    not at all
    The student with full of anger look at the teacher
