Tuesday, February 17, 2015


Read your horoscope at the following link:


Answer the following questions:

1.  What is a horoscope?

2.  Do you believe in horoscopes? Why/why not?

3.  Does your horoscope of the day make sense?  WHY?


  1. a forecast of a person's future, typically including a delineation of character and circumstances, based on the relative positions of the stars and planets at the time of that person's birth. no i believe they are random sentences to sound like they are to become true. yes it makes sense i have a good relationship with my friends.

    1. A horoscope is a prediction on a persons future.
      I don't believe in horoscopes because i dont think that something like that could really tell a future.
      Not really, it didnt match how i felt or anything

  2. 1. What may happen today a prediction.
    2. Yes and no some things describe me and others don't.
    3. Yes because my relationship right now is complicated.

  3. it is a prediction of someones future and whats going to happen in that month.
    it goes with things that happen to me
    and my relationship is great right now!

  4. 1.its a prediction of a persons future that's based on the alignment of the stars and planets on that day you were born
    2. really, i could care less about horoscopes. to me they bring false hope about what might happen that day for that person.
    3. i need to examine my old relationships and see what the problem was then get rid of any feelings or mistakes that happened start a new cycle of a relationship.

  5. 1. How you should feel or whats going to happen that day.
    2. No because they are pretty much just a fortune for the day and don't mean anything.
    3.Yes because i do reflect on past relationship problems and i do need to strengthen one also.

  6. a horoscope is a forecast of a persons future.
    i mean im not gonna say that i don't believe in it but i dont know enough to say that i do belive in it, i think no one can decide your future and your the only one that can.
    yes im a libra and it does make sense, i like to be in charge of a group or projectt and i cant be alone for long at all, i have to always be hanging out with someone.

  7. A horoscope is a guess of someone's personality or reactions to situations in life based off of when they were born.

    I don't believe in them but they're fun to read and sometimes really accurate.

    "Be aware that you will have a strong tendency to indulge in food and drink, so try to keep things in moderation. You may have an aversion to work and lack self-discipline." This part is so accurate you wouldn't believe.

  8. A horoscope is a prediction of something that may happen to you within that day, month or even year. I don't believe in horoscopes, because they've never actually came true for me. The horoscope makes sense but it's not true.

  9. Horoscopes tell you what your day will be like and what you are feeling.
    Yes and No, no because i don't feel playful, but yes because i do feel liking eating.

  10. 1. It's like a specific god from Greek mythology that describes a certain trait of someone born in a certain time period.
    2. I believe it in a way like a myth almost, but at the same time it feels so real for some of the traits that are relatable.
    3. My horoscope was Libra and it makes sense because I always try to help people and always wants to be with family and struggle whilst not being in a relationship etc.

  11. A horoscope predicts what will happen to an individual. i believe in them because it is usually true. today mine was 100% true.

  12. 1- A forecast of a person's future, typically including a delineation of character and circumstances, based on the relative positions of the stars and planets at the time of that person's birth.
    2- no, because its just like reading a fortune cookie and it doesnt always apply.
    3- yeah, cause anyone could reappear in my life at any moment and everything happens for a reason.

  13. 1- A horoscope is pretty much what could happen to you within a certain date.\
    2- I don't really believe in horoscopes because, my point of view someone just thinks of something random and writes it down and says that its your horoscope.
    3- No, it doesn't explain my feelings or make sense to anything going on in my life.

  14. 1- A horoscope is pretty much what could happen to you within a certain date.\
    2- I don't really believe in horoscopes because, my point of view someone just thinks of something random and writes it down and says that its your horoscope.
    3- No, it doesn't explain my feelings or make sense to anything going on in my life.

  15. a horoscope is a look at your future, what could possibly happen.
    sometimes i believe in them because most of the times its right, sometimes their wrong. my horoscope of the day makes sense because im not feeling very social today and a "partner of mine is feeling down today too.
