Thursday, February 26, 2015


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Read the following:

Article: What is Satire?--Author is unknown

I hear people all the time say, "satire is so stupid; I don't get it." The point of a satire is to bring about social change through the use of sarcasm and/ or irony.  Sometimes you have to read it a few times; sometimes the author can be misunderstood. A satire usually does not have a rhyme scheme-it's more of a free verse, or a narrative. I created mine one day I was thinking about all of the people in this world getting plastic surgery and wanting to look "perfect". I thought about the image we are putting in young minds that if they don't like the way God made them, then they can pay a doctor to make them look any way they want. Feel free to comment: Here it is:
How To Get Skinny and Beautiful in No Time at all- a Satire
If you really want advice on how to lose weight, watch a morbidly obese person down a Big Mac, large fry, chicken pot pie, fried pickles, twinkies, a large soda, and an apple pie with ice cream on the side. As they salivate and moan over their meal, you will look like a chicken bone. Or else, it will make you so sick, you won’t be able to eat for a week.
If you want to get skinny, take a vegan hunting. Have them load the gun, sit in a tree stand, and work for their meal. You’ll end up eating a dandelion salad with fresh honey from the bee hive. You might just eat anything to stay alive.
If you want to lose thirty pounds in thirty days, get liposuction, a tummy tuck, and a breast reduction. While you are sucking it out, also get cheek implants, lip injections, and don’t forget to lose those wrinkles! Get a face lift, some botox, and some permanent black eyeliner.
Take my advice and you will be skinny, beautiful, and unique in one week- but not for long- since everyone else wants to change and they’ll all look just like you in no time at all.

Answer the following questions:

1.      What is the point the author is trying to get across in the satire “How To Get Skinny and Beautiful in No Time”?

2.      What is one specific example the author uses to make his/her point?


  1. The point that the author is trying to get across is that eventually if everybody keeps getting plastic surgery and surgeries to look "perfect" then we all will end up looking the same. The example that author used to make his/her point is verbal irony because he describes it but it is different from the actual meaning.

  2. the author is using satire to make the audience intrested. the author needs to grab the readers attention. most people when they see things that are gonna make them better they are intrested in seeing it or reading it. so when the author says how to get skinny and beautiful in no time, it makes the reader want to read

  3. 1. The author wants you to get implants and different kinds of plastic surgery to stop you from being overweight or "ugly".
    2. The author praises that "Take my advice and you will be skinny, beautiful, and unique in one week!"

  4. 1. the author is trying to say, that just by changing your features, it wont really change you, and it'll only just who you really are.
    2.If you want to get skinny, take a vegan hunting. Have them load the gun, sit in a tree stand, and work for their meal, but by them saying that you'll get skinny and beautiful in no time, to get the people to read, but then they use satire to change your ' way of thinking'

  5. The point the author is trying to get across is that "everyone" wants to be skinny and beautiful and that it takes work, it doesn't just happen.
    And the example the author uses is "Take my advice and you will be skinny, beautiful, and unique in one week- but not for long- since everyone else wants to change and they’ll all look just like you in no time at all."

  6. The author is trying to persuade you to get plastic surgery, saying that's the only way to become skinny and look beautiful. The specific example the author uses to get his/her point across is verbal irony

  7. That you shouldn't get plastic surgery because everyone will look like you now. The author states that " Take my advice and you will be skinny, beautiful, and unique in one week- but not for long- since everyone else wants to change and they’ll all look just like you in no time at all."

  8. That being skinny and appearances aren't the only kind of of beauty out there.
    the author states "Take my advice and you will be skinny, beautiful, and unique in one week- but not for long- since everyone else wants to change and they’ll all look just like you in no time at all."

  9. the author is saying if you want to be skinny you have to starve yourself and get all of this extra work done to your body that will eventually wear off. Youll be skinny and pretty after one week but not for long.

  10. The point is that everybody is getting plastic surgery to look different. an example is when the author says "if you want to loose 30 pounds, get liposuction, a tummy tuck and a breast reduction."

  11. That being skinny and appearances aren't the only kind of of beauty out there.
    the author states "Take my advice and you will be skinny, beautiful, and unique in one week- but not for long- since everyone else wants to change and they’ll all look just like you in no time at all."

  12. I think the point the author is trying to make is that everyone is different and different is beautiful, and that changing yourself, into society's idea of "beautiful" will make you the same as everyone else, because everyone is changing themselves, to fit in. One example the author uses to make his/her point is "Take my advice and you will be skinny, beautiful, and unique in one week- but not for long- since everyone else wants to change and they’ll all look just like you in no time at all." He/she uses that ironically, to say that conforming to society's idea of beautiful means giving up your individuality because everyone is trying to fit into the "beautiful" category, and that you should be happy being the real you, and not the product of plastic surgery.

  13. The point is showing the people how stupid it is to be fake. Changing up their bodies just to try to get a perfect figure that they'll never have. An example is the line about the liposuction, tummy tuck, implants and etc.

  14. The point is to teach people to love themselves and celebrate the differences they have that separates them from everyone else. He wants you to fully comprehend that the only thing you need to be beautiful, is yourself.
