Monday, February 2, 2015


Imagine that you were to jump out of a have a parachute, but no one is with you.  How would you react?  What would you be thinking?  Would you survive? Go.


  1. I would use the parachute to jump, i would also live, i would probably be thinking that im scared but yet excited so i would do it anyways. i would probably be reacting in a weird way but yet also be okay.

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  3. I would use the parachute to jump and land safely, and I'd do it better when nobody is with me, because I wouldn't feel like I HAD to do it. It would be really exciting to do though, and I would live.

  4. i would be freaking out because i have no one with me jumping out of the plane, and i would have no one with me when i eventually land in the middle of an area i don't know. i would be thinking am i going to survive? will i make it out of this? when is help coming?

  5. I wouldn't care if someone is with me its just jumping out of the plane that would scare me and I would survive

  6. I would utilize the parachute and jump although I would probably have a panic attack. I would scream a lot, but hopefully I would be okay.

  7. I will probably live. I would use the parachute when I am at a certain altitude to land on a island or on at country if I was near one. I would be shaken up about all of this knowing that I am alone and I need to find equipment to survive. I would be thinking about all the people who didn't make when I did.

  8. I would be scared being by myself. I would also have excitement from jumping out of a plane but would focus on remembering to set my parachute off. I would look at everything around me and see it from a great height. I would survive because I would have a rush of jumping out of a plane and excitement from everything around me.

  9. I would panic, and i would probably be thinking that i would die. But i'd get over it, jump, and yes i would survive.

  10. I would probably be scared but i would still jump, yes i would survive.

  11. I would probably jump and scream like crazy. And I would end up dying of a heart attack before I got to the ground.

  12. I would be like "YES. FINALLY. I CAN LIVE OUT MY DREAM." and jump out of the plane with no regrets.

    Just kidding. I'd probably have a heart attack. I can't even go to Walmart alone.

  13. i would use the parachute and just enjoy the view till i land on the ground.

  14. I would be terrifyingly excited, ready to do it but not ready at the same time. I would be thinking about outcomes, whether it is safe or not. I believe I would survive because I have a parachute, and as much as I may think I'll have a heart attack my adrenaline levels will be up and I'll be excited on the way down.

  15. I would probably die of a heart attack because i'm afraid of heights and I would over think it so i would think the worst is going to happen.

  16. I would freak out because i dont like planes, and i would feel really alone without someone, and i wouldnt know what to do but i would most likely live depending on where i land.

  17. I would probably be a little worried and excited off of the adrenaline but in the end I'd man up and I'd survive the jump.

  18. If i were to jump out of a plane i would probably defecate in my pantaloons and i would be thinking why did i sign up for this. And of course i would survive unless my parachute was faulty. But other than defecating my pantaloons I'd enjoy the view on the way down. :)
