Thursday, February 12, 2015


Personally, do you feel as though society as a whole expects too much from you as a teenager?  Explain.


  1. Not really, except they think most teens are juvanile. When, not all teens are bad, like some can be. But they really just expect us to be kids.

  2. i think society does because were expected to act like adults, and we have to take on so many responsibilites before were even an adult.

  3. Maybe, its dependent on the challenges given to the teens. Its also dependent on the type of person and how well they handle pressure.

  4. No because, I don't really feel pressure from other people because I usually don't care what they think of me but when I am asked to do something I will do the best I can to do it just to help people.

  5. No not really school can be pretty tough but it just preparation for the real world.

  6. Yes, because when they say "back in my day" they're pretty much saying you need to be like them back in their day.

  7. yes because they expect us to go to school, work, do chores at home, have a social life , be able to handle our stress, and get 8 hours of sleep.

  8. I feel that in certain areas society expects a lot from us but in other area they don't expect enough.

  9. It all falls on the teenager in their behavior. If they are misbehaved it's harder to deal with, and if they aren't than it's easier. So not really, it's the responsibility factor of the teen. The more they have the less pressure.

  10. yea i think they expect us to act like adults.

  11. No, i don't think that society expects to much from us, at least not as a whole.

  12. no i think they dont expect enough, not sitting here saying that i want to do more, but i feel like teenagers are slacking as a hole, and theirs gonna be alot that end up unsuccessful and its because society isn't keeping them straight.

  13. yes, society expects everyone to be perfect and if you dont do the "right" thing then you dont get accepted.

  14. Yes they do they want us to do well in school and be apart of sports activities and have a social life and do a bunch of other things but there's not enough time.

  15. No not really, for the most part they are just preparing us for when we are on our on.

  16. yes because times have extremely changed and most adults don't realize that things are much harder and stressful to do then before them.

  17. i think that society doesn't expect too much because teenagers are capable of many tasks and can accomplish many things.

  18. Society has so many expectations. Honestly no one looks at everything the same way. If you do something good/bad everyone is going to judge you differently on those situations.
