Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Zodiac Paper

Look over your zodiac paper.  Do you have any questions or comments?

What do you need to work on?

Was this hard for you to write?  Why/why not?


  1. I don't have any questions, and I'm done with writing my paper, it wasn't hard to write because I had an outline, and I knew what i had to write on.

  2. I don't have any questions. I'm partially don writing my paper- I have two paragraphs done. This was hard to write because I was having a writers block and couldn't think about what to write.

  3. no i don't have any questions i am finished with my paper and it was pretty easy to write because we had the outline to use and it made it easier to have our ideas down and on paper

  4. i don't have any questions or comments. nothing i got it all done and no it wasn't hard to write

  5. I don't have any questions i thought the paper was pretty easy and interesting to wright. i liked learning about my zodiac sign it was interesting and for the most part correct.

  6. Don't have any questions. almost done, need to do my conclusion. No not that hard to write and I new what was needed

  7. i dont have any questions. im almost done and i dont think this is hard at all.

  8. no do not have any questions on writing my paper. i finished my homework for last night the only thing i need to work on is the rest of my essay. this was not hard to write.

  9. It isn't very hard to write, and I don't really need to work on anything I don't think.

  10. No i don't have any questions and no it wasn't hard to write.

  11. i dont really know, i dont have any questions

  12. It was fairly easy to right I just would need more time to write it. I have finished the paper so there's nothing I need to work on.

  13. I don't have any questions or comments. Its a little difficult for me to write because I'm not very interested in my Zodiac Sign.

  14. I don't have any questions or comments, I am finished with my paper and it was not at all difficult to write because it was just describing who i was.

  15. I need to work on my thesis statement and at times I had a hard time. Over all I was pretty fine.
