Thursday, February 12, 2015


Why did I have you read "The Man Who Rode Thunder"?  What was the point? 

It was not to torture you.

It was not because it was supposed to be fun...even though it was.

It was not because I am mean.



  1. It was a good way to teach how to do open ended questions, and how to do charts, and diagrams.

  2. To help us better understand how to answer open ended questions and use context clues to figure out the meaning to words we do not know.

  3. to use context clues , teach us about open ended questions

  4. To help us to be able to use context clues better

  5. man who rode thunder was a good way to us to learn context clues and learn the mood and tone. That the reason that you wanted us to read it.

  6. We read it so we would get to hear the story. We read this to help us to practice and work on answering our open ended questions.

  7. To show us the power of non-fiction and how crazy some things in real life can be. To show you how we write and what our potential is.

  8. context clues and to teach us about the story and to become a better writer and reader

  9. It was to teach us how to organize our thoughts and answer open ended questions.

  10. it was a good story, for helping us use context clues to figure out meaning of words we don't know. Also giving questions on improving our open ended responses.

  11. to extend and open us up to new vocab

  12. I thought that this story helped me build my strengths in writing open ended questions, and to teach that even though you want to give up you need to stay positive and keep fighting till the end no matter how hard it may be.

  13. So that we may pass the test that your about to give us

  14. To help us respond to open ended questions and to find the mood and tone of the story.

  15. to help us understand context clues better and to answer open ended questions

  16. You made us read it because its your job,its part of the class work and because its an interesting story.
