Thursday, February 5, 2015


Using your vocabulary words....

CHOOSE THREE.  Write a few sentences or a paragraph that makes sense using them.  Don't know what to write about????  Possibilities:

your day
your friend's day
a made up creature
whatever you want


  1. Today I was attempting to sleep in and my little sister Alexis, deliberately blasted her music just to be annoying (which she is very good at). Then I got up out of bed and went into the bathroom to take a shower, but our defective shower head decided to spray me with freezing cold water before I was ready. When I finished showering and got dried and dressed. I went downstairs to find my mom had made everyone breakfast, this caused my family to express great elation.

  2. This morning went i woke up abrupt. My dad deliberately made me late for the bus. I wanted to stay home but my mom said no because my back was distended but she still made me come to school.

  3. This morning, I was trying to bring myself to the fact that I had to wake up for school, so I finally brought myself to believing it. I sprung up to get ready, realizing I was running late. My sister deliberately kept coming in my room just to make sure I was still getting ready. My defective straightener kept me from doing my hair, which is why I have it in a bun. The luminous light in my room went out, so i had to use a flashlight on my phone. Thankfully i invariable know where it is.

  4. this weekend i had an peculiar, inexplicable, abrupt pain coming from my chest, so i took medicine.

  5. i woke up feeling elation for some reason this morning. i am usually woken up by the abruptly alarm, but today not so much. this morning was uncanny.

  6. I hate Monday's, but when i got off the bus the light was luminous, so that made me feel elated.Then my day inexplicably got better.

  7. I had awaken to the abrupt sound of the alarm. I was extremely tired and was not ready for a Tuesday day. The slow trudging was inexplicable, and as I finished brushing my teeth and doing my hair I was ready to leave. I had finally gotten on the bus and there was an uncanny feeling. There was barely anyone on the bus...

  8. This weekend I went to winter camp through my church's youth group. It was in Virginia and we where going up this mountain until we hit a terminal. It was a very peculiar place because it was in the middle of a mountain. It was 6:30 when we got there and abruptly we had to go to dinner right as we got there.

  9. One morning I awoke to the most peculiar noise I have ever heard and jumped out of bed to investigate the uncanny noise. Abruptly the inexplicable noise stopped and then it started again with no explanation as to what it was. Then as I stepped around the corner I saw my dog playing with a new toy expressing great elation. From what I assume, the peculiar noise was just my dog throwing the toy around and growling at it as if it were alive.

  10. today i woke up and i was so tired I deliberately went back to bed for awhile. Once i force myself to get up i went to get a shower. I turned on the bathrooms Luminous light and the blinded me. After that i went down stairs to get breakfast. i had a uncanny feeling that I was being watched from outside and I was. Outside sitting on the porch was was dog sitting there patiently for me to come out and play with him.

  11. i was very elation when i found out i was able to go over to my dads and see my little brothers for the weekend. but, when i got there fighting and brodrick my youngest brother was getting gabe my third youngest brother in trouble deliberately. and when gabe would try to say it wasnt his fault, they would still believe brody over gabe. so when i tried to tell my dad what happened while he was outside working it was inexplicable for me.

  12. I was filled with elation to try on my new shoes. When I put them on something felt peculiar. Then I realized that the air bubble in my shoes were decompressed.

  13. I woke up abruptly and didn't understand why but it must have been a bad dream. I went down stairs and for a peculiar reason I was not hungry. My mom asked why and I responded it's inexplicable.

  14. My morning was a bit harrowing because I woke up late and almost missed the bus and I had to put the trash at the curb. As usual no one was smiling or laughing with elation instead as if deliberately frowning at the fact of school. I have yet for something luminous to lighten my day.
