Wednesday, February 4, 2015


Summarize what you read yesterday in 3-5 sentences.  Foreshadow what obstacles may come next.


  1. William H. Rankin was shot through the cockpit canopy of his plane at 45,000 ft. He started to feel his stomach pulling apart while he was in the air he he said it was very painful. He didn't know if he was going to live or die while being in the air! I think that what happens next is that he is going to either live or die when the parachute goes of and he hit the water or the land.

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  4. yesterday i read how William had got ejected out of the plane. I also read about how it felt going down out of the plane. i dont know what else might come next but he will land soon and hit land

  5. We read that he got ejected from his plane and he decompressed at 47,000 feet. Then after he was ejected from his plane he was spinning through the air and he started to freeze because the temperature was 70 below 0. Then he went through a cumulonimbus storm right before we stopped reading.

  6. William's plane was breaking down, and he couldn't do anything to stop it. He went head first through the window of the plane, and as he was landing he was also bloating up, and basically almost to the point of death. He was in air for at least 15 minutes until he reached the clouds, since he was so far up into space. Today I think he will land, and go to the hospital, to get checked out.

  7. William H. Rankin had been in a plane that was on a crash course at the highest altitude possible. William had ejected, and flying through the canopy. The decompression had started to get very bad. Eventually he had gotten much lower and started to feel better. He could only pray now to get what he received next.

  8. This guy was shoot through a plane. This guy was falling like 47,000 feet in the air. Then he couldn't feel anything and he was bleeding. Then his stomach was stretching from all the pressure.

  9. When reading the man who road the thunder, I was surprised at how this man survived these conditions after ejecting from his F-8U at 45,000 ft. The Colonel that survived this went through thunder storms, hail and even through space. This was caused by a accidents in the engine which caused his Jet engine to fail.

  10. after reading this story, i wanted to keep reading the story. William shot through the canopy of his plane. He then explained his journey back down to the ground. he described in detail how bad the pain was.this part of the story was full of suspense and now i want to find out what happens next.

  11. the story was about a hero, a man that didnt save anyone but himself because thats all he had to save. he was in a plane and was shot down and had to evacuate at 45000 ft in the air. and while he was in mid air had to think of ways he could survive.

  12. William had to eject himself from the plane due to malfunctions. he encountered many obstacles on his way down like decompression, g-force and falling thorough a thunderstorm.

  13. A Pilot was making a test flight at 45 thousand feet when the plain mo functioned.
    He was able to eject through the cockpits window and survive. Free falling he was able to grab his oxygen mask then he started falling through a thunder storm

  14. I read about a pilot who had to jump out of his airplane when the engine failed and caught fire. He was at such an altitude that he was decompressed and bleed from many place on his body. He was then caught in a hail, thunder and lighting storm, but through all his mishaps he survived.
