Wednesday, February 4, 2015


 Let's REVIEW!

Watch these Super Bowl commercials.  Choose two.  What are the mood and tone of these two commercials?


  1. it was positive, the people seemed happy and the tone was positive and uplifting!

  2. i believe the commercials i watched were fun and entertaining, the tone is humorous and the mood is positive.

  3. Author wants you to feel amused and happy and the tone was that it was funny and amusing

  4. The mood was happy, and encouraging while the tone was funny, and "party like" and the tone was also positive, and brought your spirits up.

  5. the mood of the two i watched were funny and entertaining, and tone was suppose to be just that.

  6. the mood was positive and uplifting, the tone was also positive and happy

  7. BMW: It makes us me feel that we are smart in making big leaps in technology.
    Clash Of the Clans: It funny and and me smile.

  8. i feel like these commercials were trying to entertain the audience. the mood was happy and the tone was humorous

  9. I liked the "Snickers" one and also the "First Draft Ever" The mood was funny and made me happy, and it made me smile.

  10. The mood was excitement and the tone was happy and loud!

  11. the mood was happy and the tone was funny

  12. I picked the Wix and the BMW commercials both of them wanting you to feel entertained but the Wix commercial wanted to give you sort of an inspiration to start your own business and to be successful because your watching stars like Terrell Owens and emit smith become famous, and the BMW wanted you to sort of fell dumbfounded, because the two people in the commercial both famous were dumbfounded of the discoveries, making the BMW sound great because its all electric but has the power of a combustion gas engine.

  13. The one that I watched had humor as its tone and as for its mood it's entertaining while the other is suppose to be a confused on mood and the tone was focused on wonder.

  14. The mood for the two commercials i watched were entertaining and funny. And the tone was supposed to be the same as the mood.

  15. The mood of the two i chose were happy, and the tone was playful and silly.

  16. The WIX commercial I found funny and creative, due to the face that it used different methods of website creation. It shows you can be as creative as you want to be! The SNICKERS commercial was also a funny tone because it used a famous actor, Danny Trejo from Machete, and also the classic TV show "The Brady Bunch". It was neat to see familiar faces and ideas in a 21st century style!

  17. I chose the "Clash of Clans" commercial with Liam Neeson the mood was menacing, intimidating, and suspenseful. The tone is angry, intimidating, aggressive.

    I chose the "Brady Bunch" commercial the mood was angry, annoyed, calm for some. The tone was intimidating, angry, aggressive.
