Monday, December 21, 2015

Quizlet and mod 4

Here is the link to the quizlet:

This post is for mod 4 on Tuesday only:

Read the following article:

Look through the pictures, read the article, and respond to the prompt:

Does this change your mind about what you will eat in the future?  Why or why not?  Which of the food ingrediants is most disturbing to you and why?

Wednesday, December 16, 2015


Write one line of iambic pentameter.


Friday, December 11, 2015

Play vs. today

What cultural aspects of the play seem different than today's culture?  Why?


Summarize the play so far.......

4-6 sentences


Wednesday, December 9, 2015


1.  Who is your favorite character in A Midsummer Night's Dream.

2.  Why!?  Be specific.

3.  If you were a character in A Midsummer Night's Dream, who would you be and WHY!?

Open Ended Response

Read the article above.  Your response needs to be your own open ended response to the prompt below.  

Prompt:  How does the author use bias in the article to create a tone for the reader.

HINT:  you must first figure out what the bias is by looking at who he interviewed, information that he gave, propaganda, etc.  THEN you must figure out what the over all tone of the article is.

*include the author's name or title of the article
*include because in your topic sentence


1.  What's a theme in the play?

2.  List two places where you see this theme thus far.

3.  How is Oberon and Titania's marriage?  How do you know?

Monday, December 7, 2015


1.  What is an archetype?

2.  Choose a character from a Disney movie.  What is their archetype?  

Happy Monday!

*Answer questions 1 & the video in response needed for the video.

1.  How did you feel about the character that you researched for the play?  Why?

2.  Reflect on the do you feel about it?



Friday, December 4, 2015

Sound devices

Find two examples of assonance.

Find two examples of alliteration.


House Party Lyrics

You're on the couch, blowing up my phone
You don't want to come out, but you don't want to be alone
It don't take but two to have a little soirée
If you're in the mood, sit tight right where you are, babe
'Cause I'll be at your door in ten minutes
Whatever you got on, girl, stay in it
You ain't gotta leave the house to have a good time
I'mma bring the good time home to you

We'll have a house party, we don't need nobody
Turn your TV off, break that boom-box out
We'll wake up all the neighbours 'til the whole block hates us
And the cops will show up and try to shut us down
If you're gonna be a homebody

We're gonna have a house party
If you wanna be a homebody
We're gonna have a house party
Throw a neon tee shirt over the lamp shade
I'll take the furniture, slide it out of the way
Shaking the floor, rattling the roof
We'll go to town like they're in your living-room
Let's have a house party, we don't need nobody
Turn your TV off, break that boom-box out

We'll wake up all the neighbours 'til the whole block hates us
And the cops will show up and try to shut us down
If you're gonna be a homebody
We're gonna have a house party
If you wanna be a homebody
We're gonna have a house party
So I'll be at your door in ten minutes
Whatever you got on, baby, stay in it
You ain't gotta leave the house to have a good time
I'mma bring the good time home to you

We'll have a house party, we don't need nobody
Turn your TV off, break that boom-box out
We'll wake up all the neighbours 'til the whole block hates us
And the cops will show up and try to shut us down
If you're gonna be a homebody
We're gonna have a house party
If you wanna be a homebody
We're gonna have a house party

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Response- Wednesday's Journal

Answer the prompt as an open ended response.

Prompt:  What was the affect of the Bubonic plague plays, literature and jobs?  Use examples from the text to support your response.

Now that you know the prompt question, read the following link with the prompt in mind.  While you read, take notes.

*You have 25 minutes.  This will be graded based on the Open Ended Response Rubric.

Pyramus & Thisbe- TUESDAY'S JOURNAL

Pyramus and Thisbe
by Edwand Rivers

As told by the Ovid, This story is similar to Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet.
It takes place in ancient Babylon, where these two children grew up in a one-room house that was connected to the other. Over the years, they fell in love with each other, but could only talk through a hole in their wall because their parents refused them to see each other. 

Finally, Pyramus got fed up with his parents and so did Thisbe. They decided to run off one night and elope. Pyramus gave Thisbe the location of the place they would meet, and they agreed. 

Thisbe was the first to arrive at the first Mulberry bush outside of the city, but as she was waiting, a lioness walked by with her jaws covered in blood from a previous kill that day. Thisbe, frightened at her sight, ran non-stop to the nearest cave. Soon after, Pyramus walked by and saw a cloak, his love gift to her, covered in blood and torn to pieces with the footprints of the lioness left behind. He immediately thought that his only love had been killed by a hungry lion, and unsheathed his sword (her love gift to him), letting the cold, hard steel pierce his broken heart. Thisbe, bringing courage to her heart, ran back and found her only love lying on the ground next to the blood-covered Mulberry bush with his sword impaling his chest. 

She gasped in horror as she asked the still breathing Pyramus what happened. Barely able to stay awake, he told her what happened and she cried in sorrow. She took Pyramus' blood-stained sword and asked him to wait for her while she brought the blade into her own soft flesh. Thus they died together, in love and peace.
This is why the berries on the Mulberry bush are red, instead of their original white, in commemoration of the two young lovers and their great sacrifice.

Number below to answer the questions.

      1.  This is a myth.  Why?
     2.  What is the conflict in this myth?

2   3. What does this myth sound like (hint: think play)…?

      4.  What do you think a "play-within-a-play" is?

Monday, November 23, 2015

Peer Edit

When you peer edit, what should you be looking for in your partners paper?

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Quiz ;)

Go to this link:

The room number is NOT B225...the room number is:



1.  What is Chivalry?....look at your vocab sheet if you forget!

2.  List some examples of what may be considered chivalrous today.

3.  Read this link.....

and answer....


When you're done, get your vocabulary sheet out :)

Tuesday, November 17, 2015


What point of view is Beowolf told in?

Why would the author do this?

Thursday, November 12, 2015


Go through your packet.  List the words you do not know in the comment section.

When you're done commenting, keep this blog open.  Do not read below this line...yet :) 

Knights & Fights

Logan C.

The Lords




The Knight & Entertainment 



Logan K


1. Which ad affects you the most?

2.  Write a paragraph.  Pretend you created the advertisement.  Discuss what the cause is and what you want viewers to learn from this ad.

multiple choice

What are some strategies for answering multiple choice questions?

Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


 This is for a quiz grade.  You may use your propaganda notes.

Watch the speech, and identify the following:

1. ethos-
2. pathos-
3. logos-
4. Identify the propaganda as well. You need to find at least one and write what it is and where you see it.

Turn in your notecard.  You do not need to comment below.


Find one example of propaganda. 

Friday, October 30, 2015


After watching the video, choose which technique you find to be the most effective.  Why?

Wednesday, October 28, 2015


1.  Identify where you see ethos, pathos, or logos.
2.  what type of propaganda is seen in this picture?

Monday, October 26, 2015


Can you find ethos, pathos, and logos?  Identify each of them in your comments.

Friday, October 23, 2015

Thursday, October 22, 2015


What are elements of non-fiction?

When you're done answering this, check your grades AND the papers hanging on the front board.  Some have no names.

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Mod 1

 You are assigned to a Halloween link. 

With your group members, put your heads together to create some questions that will be an assignment for other members of your class. Make them specific.  For example, instead of saying....

What is the origin of Halloween? could say....which group of people originally began to celebrate Halloween, and what did they call it?

  • 5 to 7 questions (spelling and punctuation matter)
  • Read through the link BEFORE constructing sentences (take notes while reading)
  • paste the questions to your journal with your category listed above (only one person in the group)
  • write down an answer key and hand it directly to me

Original Halloween Article

Spencer C.

 History of Halloween


 Random Facts About History

Spencer H.

Traditions around the world


Festivals of the Dead

Hannah S.

Journal 2- mod 2

 You are assigned to a special, little Halloween link.  The information is interesting- PROMISE!

With your group members, put your heads together to create some questions that will be an assignment for other members of your class. Make them specific.  For example, instead of saying....

What is the origin of Halloween? could say....which group of people originally began to celebrate Halloween, and what did they call it?

Original Halloween Article


 History of Halloween 

Logan K. 

 Random Facts About History

Traditions around the world  

Logan C.

Festivals of the Dead 

Tuesday, October 20, 2015


Read "Irish Literature (Green at the top)" AND "Irish Fiction"

Dracula is considered "Gothic literature..."  Skim through this link as well.

Fill in as much as you can in the "Irish Literature column."  Describe Gothic literature as well as any other attributes given in link one.

*You do not need to comment on this blog today.

Monday, October 19, 2015

Bram Stoker- DRACULA!

Read the link above.  Choose 4 KEY POINTS about Bram Stoker's life and career on a separate piece of paper.  From those key points, write a summary below.

And get ready for some SCARY STUFF. 

Hyperbole Video

1.  How was your weekend?  Homecoming?  Work? 

2.  Watch this video.  Choose one example of hyperbole and write about the point that it is trying to prove:

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Friday, October 9, 2015

Test Question

What was the climax of Oedipus Rex....

And how would the story be different if it was in a different sequence?  Think literary terms...WHAT about the writing would change?


it is not.....  "The story would not make any sense."

Monday, October 5, 2015


You have been assigned a character....

explain the character traits that this person possesses and one example from the play which shows this.

Where's the irony?

1.  where is the irony in this sign?

2. recap Oedipus Rex from Friday.

Friday, October 2, 2015


Click on the link....find your favorite example of irony.  Comment what is ironic about this picture.

When you're done with that, click on the article of the week link below.  Read it :)

Wednesday, September 30, 2015


Choose your favorite quote from sophocles....

Why did you choose this quote?  How does it inspire you?

Tuesday, September 29, 2015


Fate is....

: a power that is believed to control what happens in the future
: the things that will happen to a person or thing : the future that someone or something will have
Do you believe in fate, or do you believe that all decisions that you make affect and change your future?  Why?


Wednesday, September 23, 2015


What is your mood like today?  Describe it in detail. 



Log onto as a student

This is your room number:





Take the quiz titled chapter 10.

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Survival Skills

1.  Do you have any survival skills?  If so, what are they?

2.  You are in a plane, and you have no choice but to jump out of it.  What thoughts are running through your head?

Tuesday, September 15, 2015



Hestia was the virgin goddess of the hearth. Hestia was the eldest child of the Titans, Cronus and Rhea. The Romans called her Vesta.
Hestia was one of the children to be swallowed by her father. Later, Cronus was tricked into drinking emetic, and vomited her and her siblings out. She was the last to leave her father's belly. So, in a way, she was both first-born (from Rhea) and last-born (disgorged from Cronus).
After the war against the Titans, Hestia managed to persuade her brothers, Poseidon and Hades, and her nephew, Apollo, of her wish to remain a virgin. According to the Hymn of Aphrodite, she sworn an oath upon the head of Zeus of not wedding to anyone and remain forever chaste and untouched by sexual love; such oath forced Poseidon and Apollo to find wives among other goddesses, or else they risk confrontation with Zeus.
According to the Fasti, the Roman poet Ovid wrote that Priapus, son of Dionysus and Aphrodite, had almost raped Hestia, when she and the other gods had fallen into a slumber after a feast. Hestia (Vesta) only woke up when she heard an ass braying as the god was on the point of mounting her. The goddess' scream frightened off Priapus.
Although, there is very little information about Hestia in myths and literature, Hestia was nevertheless an important goddess in both Greek and Roman religions.
In the Homeric Hymns To Hestia, she attends the house of Apollo (temple) in Delphi. She was held in the highest honour, both among the gods and among mortals. She was worshipped everywhere, because there are hearths in every home and temple. Each city kept a hearth that had a consecrated fire burning perpetually in a chief public building. Fire from this hearth was taken whenever they sought a new colony.
Mortals, when holding banquets, would pour wine in offerings to the goddess, both first and last: one to open the banquet, and the other to close it (possibly referring that she was first-born and last-born status, as mentioned earlier). At the beginning of every meal at home, a small offering was thrown into the hearth flame. A song was sung in her praise, welcoming the goddess to the home.
After a newborn baby was given a name, the infant was carried to the hearth, where someone prayed for a blessing upon the child.
For the Romans, she was the all-important household goddess, the goddess of the hearth and the hearth fire. Her temple was situated within the Palatine in Rome, where the Vestal Virgins maintained the burning of the sacred fire.

Answer:  Why do you believe there is little information written about Hestia?