Thursday, May 5, 2016

Straw Man

Straw man fallacy

The straw man fallacy involves misrepresenting an opponent’s position to make it easier to refute. Straw man arguments often oversimplify opposing views or disregard inconvenient points in favor of points that are easy to argue against.


In many instances, the person committing the straw man fallacy highlights the most extreme position of the opposing side—for example:
  • Opposing argument: Teens should be taught about contraception methods so they can practice safe sex should they choose to have intercourse.
  • Straw man argument: Proponents of sex education want to give kids license to have sex with no consequences.

Make your own strawman fallacy

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Friday, April 22, 2016


1. What happened to Josiah and Sheku?

2.  What kind of drugs do the soliders take?

3. How did Ishmael change in chapter 13?

Thursday, April 21, 2016

:) 4/21

List the types of African literature.

What is oral literature?

What examples of oral literature do you see in the novel?

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Friday, April 15, 2016

first person

First person is from one character's point of view.  There is first person singular and first person plural.  First person singular includes works like "I" and "me" whereas first person plural contains words such as "us" and "them" as a group of people.

For example,

"I am hungry" is first person singular

"We went to the zoo" is first person plural.

Write an example of each.

Thursday, April 14, 2016


Think back through the entire novel A Long Way Gone.  When do you remember music being a part of the story?  List them.

Wednesday, April 13, 2016


When you first meet someone and did not yet get to know them, what do you observe about them?  How do you get to know who someone is as a person?

Monday, April 11, 2016


The author's voice is:

the individual writing style of an author.  This can include sentence structure (short or long?), the word choice or diction that a character chooses, or the way that an author allows the readers to get to know the characters. For example, Poe writes in a very DESCRIPTIVE voice:

How did your author write???
Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.
Read more at:
Deep into that darkness peering, long I stood there, wondering, fearing, doubting, dreaming dreams no mortal ever dared to dream before.
Read more at:

Friday, April 8, 2016


what book will you be writing a book review on? What is the book about?  4-5 sentence summary

Thursday, April 7, 2016


"Strive to be like the moon"

We discussed this proverb yesterday.  Do you believe this proverb?  That people should strive to be like the moon because everyone loves the moon? 

What is the lesson in this proverb?

Wednesday, April 6, 2016


In what ways is Ishmael like you???  In what way is he different?

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Sierra Leone

What do you know about Sierra Leone?

What do you know about Africa?

Monday, April 4, 2016

Choose one

A.     What is childhood?  Use your own experiences to explain what childhood was like for you.  What does it mean to be a child, and when do you believe that someone becomes more of an adult than a child?  How do you believe that the meaning of childhood differs from one country to another (think about the information read today)?

B.       Good versus evil:  do you think that people are born a certain way?  Are we all born with the ability to be both, or are circumstance involved?  Do humans have the choice on whether they can be good or evil, or do outside factors play into this?  What makes someone go from good to evil or vice versa?  Give an example of a television or book character who has changed in that way.  What made them change?

Thursday, March 31, 2016


"The child got mad at the teacher."

1.    Does the sentence paint a picture for the reader?

2.    Are there details that would appeal to the readers' senses?

3.    Make this into a better, detailed sentence!


When you think poetry, what pops into your head?  Do you believe there are different types of poetry?

Wednesday, March 30, 2016


Based on what you found in your webquest about Japanese literature, what does it seem like we are going to discuss? Happy literature?  Sad?  Calm?  Why??

Monday, March 28, 2016


Grievous (v)- causing grief and pain

Flounder (n)- a fish

*use in one sentence :)

*open ended response essay: list important points

Thursday, March 24, 2016

Thursday, 3/24

Were you shocked about what happened to Rankin at the end of the story?  Do you wish it would have ended another way?  Why or why not?

Monday, March 21, 2016


List the key points of your day.  Summarize them :)

relationship with you and your setting

What is the relationship between you and the setting that your in?  ALL that this means is how does your setting affect you/how do you affect your setting?

Friday, March 18, 2016


Make a list of some mood words.  If you can't think of any...Google them!

Thursday, March 17, 2016

Wednesday, March 16, 2016


You're jumping out of an airplane.  What is going through your head???

Monday, March 14, 2016


List the following information:

Exposition  in Oedipus Rex
Climax in Oedipus Rex
Resolution in Oedipus Rex

Thursday, March 10, 2016

Riddle of the Sphinx

"What goes on four feet in the morning, two feet at noon, and three feet in the evening?"

Monday, March 7, 2016

Thursday, March 3, 2016


Fate means an expected result.  People who believe in fate believe that things are meant to happen for a reason.  Destiny means that things are supposed to be a certain way.

1. Do you believe that your decisions affect the outcomes of your life, or do believe that your life is destined to end up a certain way? Why?  Give a specific example of your own life, someone elses, or a character in a book/movie.

Tuesday, March 1, 2016

3/2 irony

This picture is an example of which type of irony and why??


What does the word "ironic" mean to you?  If you do not know,make a guess

Friday, February 26, 2016


"Annotate" means to summarize certain sections of a reading.  Read this paragraph and annotate (summarize in your own words).

When Emily went to school this morning, she was driving among a long, wind road.  She could barely see in front of her.  As she was taking the next turn, a deer jumped out of the huge bush before she could swerve.  Fortunately, Emily has fast instincts; they kicked in, and she missed the deer by the width of a paper.

Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Multiple choice versus open ended

Would you rather take a test of multiple choice questions or open ended, writing responses?  Why?

End of myth unit

1. What was your favorite part of the mythology unit?
2. What was your least favorite part of the mythology unit?

***Either attach your PowerPoint to an email to or put it on a flash drive.

Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Thursday 2/18

What is your favorite word in the English language?  Why??


 Summarize in 3-5 sentences.

Hestia was the virgin goddess of the hearth. Hestia was the eldest child of the Titans, Cronus and Rhea. The Romans called her Vesta.
Hestia was one of the children to be swallowed by her father. Later, Cronus was tricked into drinking emetic, and vomited her and her siblings out. She was the last to leave her father's belly. So, in a way, she was both first-born (from Rhea) and last-born (disgorged from Cronus).
After the war against the Titans, Hestia managed to persuade her brothers, Poseidon and Hades, and her nephew, Apollo, of her wish to remain a virgin. According to the Hymn of Aphrodite, she sworn an oath upon the head of Zeus of not wedding to anyone and remain forever chaste and untouched by sexual love; such oath forced Poseidon and Apollo to find wives among other goddesses, or else they risk confrontation with Zeus.
According to the Fasti, the Roman poet Ovid wrote that Priapus, son of Dionysus and Aphrodite, had almost raped Hestia, when she and the other gods had fallen into a slumber after a feast. Hestia (Vesta) only woke up when she heard an ass braying as the god was on the point of mounting her. The goddess' scream frightened off Priapus.
Although, there is very little information about Hestia in myths and literature, Hestia was nevertheless an important goddess in both Greek and Roman religions.
In the Homeric Hymns To Hestia, she attends the house of Apollo (temple) in Delphi. She was held in the highest honour, both among the gods and among mortals. She was worshipped everywhere, because there are hearths in every home and temple. Each city kept a hearth that had a consecrated fire burning perpetually in a chief public building. Fire from this hearth was taken whenever they sought a new colony.
Mortals, when holding banquets, would pour wine in offerings to the goddess, both first and last: one to open the banquet, and the other to close it (possibly referring that she was first-born and last-born status, as mentioned earlier). At the beginning of every meal at home, a small offering was thrown into the hearth flame. A song was sung in her praise, welcoming the goddess to the home.
After a newborn baby was given a name, the infant was carried to the hearth, where someone prayed for a blessing upon the child.
For the Romans, she was the all-important household goddess, the goddess of the hearth and the hearth fire. Her temple was situated within the Palatine in Rome, where the Vestal Virgins maintained the burning of the sacred fire.